A finales del mes de mayo Mick Jagger fue censurado en algunas emisoras de la CNBC por su nueva cancion blues, llamada Tea Party. A quien se le ocurre hacerle un blues al Tea Party, en el programa americano por antonomasia? A un ingles, claro.
Me parece una gran excusa para mirarse la letra, comprobar que Mick sigue en gran forma y disfrutar de la banda de buenos musicos que lleva, la habitual de Jeff Beck, uno de nuestras bandas preferidas, sin duda.
“My roots are in blues music. I love the blues because in any era the blues talked about what’s on people’s minds. So here’s a blues that I wrote about the presidential election.”
“If you want to sleep in the West Wing, yeah you got to strategize a bit. If you want to sleep in the West Wing, you wanna keep that private boat yeah you got to strategize a bit. Yeah you’re gonna have to raise about 100 million dollars, or you’re gonna end up so deep down in the SHIT.”
Yeah, Mr. Romney’s a hard working man. And he always says his prayers. Yeah but there’s one little thing about him. Don’t even let him cut your hair.”
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