
Los juegos de la mente

Mind Games de John Lennon from marcopeland on Vimeo.

Disculpa mi osadía John...

Recordemos lo que decía el propio John de este tema:

"That was a fun track because the voice is in stereo and
the seeming orchestra on it is just me playing three notes with
a slide guitar. And the middle eight is reggae. Trying again to
explain to American musicians what reggae was in 1973 was pretty
hard, but it’s basically a reggae middle eight if you listen to
it. But it was hard telling these, you know, they didn’t know
what reggae was then. I’m glad it’s played, it ain’t bad."
(John Lennon, 1980)

2 comentarios

Marco Bernal -

Gracias Leo!

Leo-norrrrrr -

¡¡¡Te estamos perdiendo dinero chaval!!!